Saturday, January 10, 2009


Kitty Packard as portrayed by Jean Harlow who died of renal failure when she was twenty-six.

I think these are the handsomest ones you ever bought.
Kitty Packard
Will you take those back? I'll tell you when I want them.
Yes Mama.
Kitty Packard
Put 'em in the icebox, nitwit.
Dan Packard
Well, tomorrow Oliver Jordan can go and buy himself a little rowboat and start all over again; he'll never know who done it.
Kitty Packard
Yeah, you're so smart. You're gonna land in jail some day. Tina! Where are my slippers?
Dan Packard
I'm just beginning Tootsie. I'm just beginning! Whose wife's got any bigger bracelets than you've got, huh? Remember what I told you last week?
Kitty Packard
I don't remember what you told me a minute ago.
Dan Packard
About Washington? Don't you remember that? How'd you like to be a Cabinet Member's wife? Mingle with all the other Cabinet Members' wives? And Ambassadors'?
Kitty Packard
Nerts. You're not going to drag me down to that graveyard. I've seen their pictures in the papers, those girlies. A lot of sallow-faced frumps with last years clothes on. Pinning medals on Girl Scouts; and pouring teas for the VARs; and rolling easter eggs on the White House lawn. A swell lot of fun I'd have. You go live in Washington; I could have a good time right here.
Dan Packard
Listen, Stupid. If I get that appointment to Washington, I'm going. And if I go, you go. That's that.